Your situation will keep repeating until you learn your lesson

Your situation will keep repeating until you learn your lesson

Lessons are repeated until they are learned.

You get into all kinds of situations, jobs, relationships that don’t work out and you say: Oh boy did I ever learn my lesson and you make sure it doesn’t happen again. But new ones (problems) surface and you learn another lesson and so on. It never stops. ~ Brigitte Nicole

The only one that can change your life is you. You keep getting cheated on because you let them do it and you are allowing it. You are the only one that can change your life, but make it positive change. Put the bad karma away, start believing in yourself, and move on towards the light. No one else is going to do it for you. ~ Donna Banegas 

As long as you keep learning about your self and you learn a lesson about why you choose those types of relationship, then finally the right relationship will come along. Once the lesson is really learned, it won’t happen in your life again. Something else will come up for your next lesson about yourself. It does all work out, if you are willing to find the lesson in every situation, especially the bad ones. ~ Laurie Kaiser 

Just remember people that there is only now. The past is gone and the future is in the future. It’s what you do now that counts. Don’t dwell on the past. Don’t focus on it. Focus on right now. ~ Vincent Bradish 

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