True Love exists

True Love exists

True Love is not perfect, it’s accepting and loving one another unconditionally regardless of imperfection, it’s accepting that perfection and happiness is in the eye of the beholder. If you can love, laugh and be happy through the roller coaster of life then you have found true love and should cherish it always. ~ Sharlene Oates 

Real love for another person is being totally unselfish and entails that other person feeling like you care about them unconditionally.How important it is to honour that person who chooses to dedicate their time to you. Its a gift and a privilege to have that in your life. ~ Elizabeth Zimpleman

Love binds people forever and ever. My soulmate and I have been soulmates before this life, during this life and will continue to be so through all eternity. We were meant to find one another to share forever together forever. ~ Adiva Fried

While all the romantic stuff is a blessing, there has to be trust, morality, loyalty and strength for them to have made it through the bad and sad times.

I have been with my husband 29 years today. He is still my heart. He still takes my breath away and makes my heart pound. I am so thankful to have him. ~ Tammy Fried Crawford 

The quitters only quit because it wasn’t true love. No one in True love would leave the other. ~ Stephanie Schlegel

I work in a supermarket in Holland and every week an old couple visits us. They always come in holding hands, they always smile at each other and laugh together and they are perfectly adjusted to one another. My colleague asked them how long they had been together, and the lady answered “58 years”. My colleague said she thought it was really sweet they still held hands after almost 60 years, and the guy said, “You should see what we still do at home, haha!” Awesome. When I told my boyfriend he said, “That’s going to be us when we grow old.” and I truly hope it will be. There’s nothing more important than love in this world. ~ Yara Vossebelt

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