It is far better to lose a partner over being who you are

It is far better to lose a partner over being who you are

After going through a severe broken heart, it took me months to get to where I am now. I am nothing but true to myself on guard, but I will not go so far as to build a wall around my heart. I know Mr. Right is out there and God will show me the way when he knows I am ready. ~ Barbara Ann 
We slowly loose ourselves over the years, forget who we were at all. If we are lucky, we get the opportunity to find ourselves again, filling in that empty space and become the person we want to be and learn the lesson, never give up who you are, no one is worth that! ~ Michelle Bays 
It should never be too late and if we got it wrong then we have a choice to out it right. The above is so true but sometimes love can be blind and we forget ourselves in the process. ~Adrian Barber 

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