When someone can make you see this broken world as beautiful

When someone can make you see this broken world as beautiful

The world itself is beautiful and there is nothing broken in it, people are. I love that song by Louis Armstrong. It’s a wonderful world because it all depends in how a person perceives the world, you might be telling them that there is always good in everything but all they see is how ugly the world can be. Even we are broken because of loss, jobs, spouses or other member of the family we still need to be thankful and see the simplest things offer more beauty if we just look intently and we don’t need to find a person to point that out to us. We need to discover the wonders of the world around us in everyday living. ~ Norma Powell 

The Lord made everything pretty, the devil will try to let you see it bad way. Look up to the sky when thing are going bad for you. See the beautiful sky the lord is good to us praying can open a new door where there not one at try him. ~ Clevadell Holcomb 

I am not even going to bother looking, not that I am jaded or anything, but I actually believe I am someone who sees this world as beautiful, flaws and all, so why bother looking? I’m just going to get on with living and that ought to be a beautiful, fun, and laughing good time with all sorts of folks and see where I land and with whom. ~ Antigone  Simmons 

My husband told me once that I make his world beautiful. I have never forgotten that. Its the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. ~ Anne Mathews 

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