Not everything will go as you expect in your Life

Not everything will go as you expect in your Life

Expectation is what you think will happen. Because if I think something, I cannot manifest it as you suggest it in your post. Hope is what you would like to happen. This is where expectations come into topic. I think that expectations are probably as much to blame for human misery as anything else. At least I think they account for most of my miseries in life. And I think that certain internal dispositions and attitudes that I want to recommend cultivating in the place of expectations have the potential to make us all much more pleased, content, comfortable with challenges, and, so, capable of effectively embracing the will to power (i.e. the will to growth) Because once we start expecting something, I think our brains latch onto it like it’s ours already. It is no longer one of the good things our brain accepts it cannot have “because one cannot get everything one could want”. Suddenly, this is one of the things we convince ourselves we must have. We perceive it as an entitlement. ~ Brigitte Nicole

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