Never let loneliness drive you back

Never let loneliness drive you back

It’s better to be lonesome than miserable.

Never settle for second best, only the best is good enough.

Never deny your true feelings and hang on to someone and waste your life.

Don’t be afraid to live by yourself. It’s better than to be with the wrong person.

Learn to be comfortable with yourself, before getting in a relationship with someone.

Also don’t let it stop you from going to the person who is right for you.

This is a big problem right here. It never fails when you go back to where you were when you know you weren’t supposed to be there in the first place. Be careful and try to make better decisions in your life because it will effect you for the rest of your life. Learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them. ~ Terry Brown 

If they belong to someone else, you definitely don’t have a business to even think of going back no matter how lonely you get or else you will be lonelier than you are now because you will spend most of your days alone. The only time you get to be with that someone when they are having sneaky available time. You do not want to be the second fiddle. For me I want to be the first, always if not better be alone and lonely than stressed on when and where will I see again the person of my interest. ~ Norma Powell 

When we meet our soul mate, we go through things together. We live as partners and discuss trials and tribulations together. We don’t do our own thing, and act as though we are helping. Remember this with an open-minded, the next time you meet someone. ~ Susan Swindelles 

Move forward to someone better. If a person doesn’t treat you with respect, then he/she isn’t someone better. ~ Robbie Hatley 

Let go of unhealthy relationships. People who doesn’t care if they hurt you many times doesn’t deserve you in the first place.

There’s really no such thing as lonely if you enjoy your own company.

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