It’s never too late for a new beginning

It's never too late for a new beginning

Our lives can be anything. There is always a way and money is not always needed. We can have anything we want if we want it bad enough. ~ Tiffany Born 

If you want something, you have to will it and if you will it, it will be yours.

Every day we get a chance to start over. Every day we get the chance to go in another direction. Use different words. Respond differently. I love that about life. Every day we are given this wonderful gift. ~ Linda Smith 

New beginnings tell a lot about great determinations and strong wills. Never surrender, never give up on new opportunities. You can’t know in which new beginning your success and happiness lie. ~ Amina Rainbow 

Sometimes a new beginning is changing our mindset from constricted, negative thinking (which causes suffering) to seeing the world from an expansive, calmer and positive mindset. It takes a willingness and courage to let go of what no longer serves us, but it’s worth the journey. ~ Sometimes “a new beginning” is changing our mindset from constricted, negative thinking (which causes suffering) to seeing the world from an expansive, calmer and positive mindset. It takes a willingness and courage to let go of what no longer serves us, but it’s worth the journey. 

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