Being nice to someone you don’t like doesn’t mean you are fake

Being nice to someone you don't like doesn't mean you are fake

If you don’t learn this lesson in life, you won’t go very far because it will keep repeating itself until you learn it. You will encounter people you don’t like for the rest of your life and you have to learn how to get along with them. You don’t have to people please them or be a door mat but you have to learn to be cordial and live in harmony with them. If you don’t, you invite a lot of drama, heart ache, arguments, gossip and misery into your life. Even if you chose to ignore them because “some” can make your life very unpleasant. ~ Brigitte Nicole

If you don’t pretend to be their best friend and then do or say things behind their back it is not backstabbing. It’s simple kindness and respect for people we may not agree with but still must work, go to school with, live next to or whatever the case may be. The old saying, “If you can’t say something nice just don’t say anything at all.”, can go a long way! Common sense, good manners & human compassion. ~ Renee Parker 

Showing love and kindness to your enemies is difficult but you are actually doing something worth while.

You could seek revenge on someone for treating you poorly but two wrongs don’t make a right. It’s better to be at peace with yourself because hate in your heart consumes you.

You don’t have to show that you like the person you don’t like but, as a civilized and professional person you are, who is in full control of your emotions in a difficult situation. Your ability to adjust to different scenario is a gift, not everyone can do it. ~ Lorena Gaisberger 

We create our own reality, and as conscious awake creators. We will not attract or react to what others are doing. When we are perceiving from a Higher Knowing understanding, we won’t even attract this into our life and if it shows up temporarily, we recognize it, and know we are all inter-connected, and our state of joy, love, and inner peace, etc will harmonize and balance out any negative type situation, condition, and circumstance, with people, places, and things. The Law of Attraction understanding is we attract back to us what we are and see our reflected state, and learn to unconditionally accept this part of us. Love is the key to Freedom. ~ Sigh Willy

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