Be very careful about what you think

Be very Careful about what you think

I used to tell my kids, your brain/head isn’t a garbage can, don’t fill it up w/trash. They still remember my telling them that too. ~ Chris Storbakken

You don’t have to entertain every thought that comes into your head. Be mindful and change your thoughts. ~ Maro Kasparian

Negative thoughts produce rotten fruit. Positive thoughts cultivate a bounty for a king. ~ Jay Browne

When you do think or say something negative, you need to say ‘ cancel cancel cancel’ 3 times as you have put that negativeness in the air, cancel it out. ~ Erin O’Driscoll

It’s not just the thoughts, your eyes, ears and mouth have a lot to do with it as well. Becareful what you speak as eyes are upon you, keep looking strait, don’t let your eyes wonder, think hard about your path, do not stray to the right or left and remove your foot from sin. ~ Michael Steelman

What comes into your mind wants to matter, every single thing there is. But, on what you “FOCUS” to matter in your thoughts and mind, that will rule your life. So live your life the way you wanted it to be. It’s by Choice. Life is good, because God is always good. Have a happy thoughts. ~ Grace Windell

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