You can’t just give up on someone

You can't just give up on someone

In a relationship there is no “ME” nor “YOU” , but it’s all about “US”.

Life only lived once. Do whatever makes you happy and be with whoever makes you smile.

You can really understand who it was all about by the way they are breaking up and if they were really in a relationship with you or just killing time with you for their own benefit. ~ Annie Smolkin 

Key words “when both people care enough’. If only one person cares enough and the other is just seeing how long you’ll put up with their crap, it’s past time to walk away. ~ Jennifer Kinsella 

Unfortunately there’s people out there that do “just give up” without a second thought and also without trying to work out whatever needs to be worked out. Sometimes life can test us and people can indeed be very cruel. ~ Colin Dobson 

You found your way back to each other because that is what “soul mates” do. You have to find the balance and what makes it work and do this each and every day. There aren’t many that get a second chance or even want it when they get it. ~ Debbe Palmer

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