The Greatest Gift you can give someone

The Greatest Gift you can give someone

It feels good when the love, attention & concern you give is given back to you when you need it most. ~ Apple Suavillo 

Those 3 things when given to others including complete strangers could change the world so fast. It would make peoples heads spin and the could stop complaining about the world we live in. ~ Mark Mercuri 

The worst gift you can give someone or someone can give you is their time, when they are counting the seconds, their attention whilst being distracted, their love when it’s not from the heart and concern when it’s something learned and not genuine. We always look at what it is that is good and what it should be. Stop for a second and give a little time for a prayer to those who does not have it good. Those who go through hard times of pain and pray that they too will soon one day enjoy the loving embrace of pure love and affection as what comes from God. ~ Emirita Delaney 

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