It takes a strong person to say Sorry

It takes a strong person to say Sorry

Forgive and forget are different. To forgive doesn’t mean you will forget. You never forget a feeling but you can forgive what caused that feeling. Forgiving is freeing yourself. Some people confuse this with thinking they are letting the undeserved free. ~ Shannon Skartvedt 

Starting right within. How can you truly forgive another, if you haven’t forgiven yourself. Forgiveness is the act of letting go, you do it to release yourself from the imprisonment that unforgiveness creates, you do it for emotional freedom. True forgiveness is just as much about the other person as it is about the forgiver. ~ Tanya Marie 

Forgiveness doesn’t mean that it’s okay or you can forget. It simply means your not going to allow it to cause you pain any more. By forgiving you release your self form the hurt and the other person, in doing so it gives you a different perspective and allows you to move on without hurt and pain. Forgiveness is more beneficial for your soul than the other and freeing yourself from pain in anger allows you to move forward to new beginnings and breaks that cord of attachment to that person. ~ Sarah Lee 

To forgive is to release your pain the offender has inflicted. I just learned that when you forgive it does not mean you have to eat and dine with the offender until they repent, but that part is not in your hand. But your forgiveness will give you peace anytime their name is mentioned. It is wonderful to forgive though it’s hard. ~ Belinda Opara 

Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness. Far from weakness, forgiveness is a sign of true inner strength. When we forgive we understand that we don’t need our anger and hatred to protect ourselves. We don’t need the pain as a crutch anymore. Forgiveness doesn’t depend upon who hurt us, what they did, or whether or not they are sorry for their actions. We don’t forgive out of our weakness toward the perpetrator, but out of our own internal strength. Forgiveness is something that we do for ourselves.

People don’t have to say sorry in order for you to forgive them. You just do it. It’s a choice and is something you do for yourself, to live better with yourself and the others. If you don’t forget the past you won’t be able to live the present and the future. Been there, done that and it felt so good, it was such a relief to forgive. It felt like I was reborn. Life was beautiful again and worth living every single bit of it with good and bad. Forgiveness is the key to a happy life. ~ Anca Pascu 

Forgiveness comes as a gift to us from God and when exercised, it is a beautiful thing: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. ~ Debbie Collins 

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