It is less important to have lots of friends

It is less important to have lots of friends

When we’re young we have lots of ‘friends’ but as we grow older our circle of ‘friends’ becomes smaller, and the ones who remain are your real true friends.

Real friends who are there for you through thick & thin. Those are the keepers. 

True friends are far and few between. I have a few & they are all I need. ~ Marilyn Carol 

Even though you keep your friends close but your enemies are closer. So be careful. A lesson from a true blue friend. ~ Mark Lim 

We only ever have one or two people that we know very well and consider them as good friends. ~ Patrick Quinn 

When times get tough, you find out who your real friends are. Be there for your friends when their times are tough.

Fair weather friends and acquaintances are one in the same.

Whatever the number of friends, we all have equal time per day. Spend enough time with yourself, your family, your community, the world and your Lord if you want quality life. ~ Mqhele Dlodlo 

We only need genuine friends in our lives, not back stabbers.

If we count our blessing instead of friends our lives tend to be more filed with goodness. ~ Bridgette Kammen 

But real friends tell the truth and sometimes the truth hurts and “friends” don’t like that. ~ Joaquim Joao 

Good and best friends are rare and like gold. Hold on to them for as long as you can. Casual good friends are a blessing but sadly come and go. 

Friendship based upon interest, it’s not a real friendship. ~ Rafael Acevedo 

Sometimes who we think are our friends really aren’t. 

My best friend forever and I have shared the good and hard things of life for more than forty five years, and counting. A true friend is one of Gods precious blessings. ~ Jean MIller 

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