Don’t allow the negative things to spoil your Life

Don't allow the negative things to spoil your Life

Today is the first day of the rest of my life and I choose to live and be happy. ~ Unknown

Dwell in happy thoughts and you will be happy because our emotions follow closely on the heels of our thinking. The bible says in proverbs, a merry heart does good like a medicine. ~ Danelito Castro 

The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.

To be sad is useless as negative things which give us low morale. It won’t help, it just ruins the good things we have. Sing loud, laugh loud, think that positive things will happen, think that there’s no negative it’s just an attitude, we just need to fix our attitude and for sure our problem will be no more. Pray God for the wonderful things He has offered to each of us. ~ Ling Gonzales

Negatives are things or people we cannot totally avoid but we really need to put them aside and be happy with what we have or where we are. Let us not let anyone steal our joy for the day and the days to come. ~ Delia Maceda 

I am now in the path to do nothing bad but to do good and to be good. ~ Lekhman Shrestha 

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