Not everyone has the same heart as you

Not everyone has the same heart as you

Never get tired to do the right things. The rewards comes at the right time.

You can’t let them make you bitter or stop being a thoughtful or generous person because of the disappointment. Do it because that’s who you are, do it because it’s right, do it because it makes you feel good. God knows what’s in my heart. I don’t need anyone’s approval or appreciation, but it’s nice to receive it once in a while. It’s a motivator! ~ Megan Heddlesten 

You should do for others without having the expectation of receiving something in return!

The one thing I have learned is expectations can be a bit dangerous. Do something for others because you want to, because you expect nothing in return. Just the simple act of giving or doing sometimes has a better feeling and outcome about it or maybe don’t do it at all.

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