How to make your life more peaceful?

Get rid of the negative people in your life life and you will start feeling so much better.

You reach a point in your life, either your going to allow negativity to destroy or positivity to guide you, our choice find your own peace!

I love positive people. I cannot comprehend what it must be like to live in the mind of a negative person. I am so grateful I don’t live like that. A psychologist once said to me. If someone does not add value to your life, why are they in your life. ~ Annette Carter 

Negative people suck! I distant myself as far as possible because I am a beautiful positive person with so much going for me. I totally refuse to let people suck the air out of me or even stoop their level it’s a waste of time and energy. I only focus on the good things in life and the people that bring out the best in me. Only you can choose to be positive or negative. It has a big impact on your life. So why not be positive and happy each day and be blessed for living another day of happiness. Life is so fragile, handle it with care, everyone should live love and laugh each day. ~ Kathy Kumm 

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